Hi, this is Christian, and I’m a clinical technician here at Laser Service Solutions, and I am here to answer some frequently asked clinical questions you may have.
Today’s question is, what are the best settings to use for any given treatment?
Every laser should come with a manual which provides the clinical settings for each specific treatment. Lasers like this VBeam Perfecta actually have these settings built in.
It’s also important to pay attention to the patient skin response. Every patient is different, so a perfect setting for one patient may not be perfect for another. Different skin responses you may encounter are mild to intense erythema for vascular treatments, color change with a pigmented lesion, or follicular edema when doing hair removal.
Our best advice is to pay attention to the patient’s skin response. Keep an eye out for too much redness or too much swelling. Talk to your patients. Make sure they’re comfortable.
If you can’t find your manual for whatever reason, give us a call. We’re here to help.
Thanks for watching, and be sure to ask us any other clinical questions you may have. You can reach us at 856-853-7555, or visit laserservicesolutions.com.